Near North Palliative Care Network

A Special Thanks to:


Caisse Populaire North Bay limitée

North Bay & Area Community Foundation

IBM Canada Ltd

North Bay Cruisers

Dr. Ken Runciman

United Way Toronto

Knights of Columbus 1007

Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc.

Northern Business Solutions

Mac's Office Supplies

Moose FM North Bay 106.5

Ohana Wellness Centre

Aha Communications

Boyd Print and Design

Chevaliers De Colomb #12101

Chevaliers De Colomb #8163

Hillside Funeral Homes

KFM North Bay

IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Chapter

Widdifield Lions Club

Bonfield and District Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

Widdifield Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

A&A Entertainment

Aggies Flowers

Bell Canada Employee Giving Program

BEAM Blue Sky Net

Sofa Communications

Saint Peter's Church

Chip Kean and 22 Wing Band

The McCubbin family

Richard Smith, NBRHC Pastoral Care Team, and Palliative Care Committee

Miranda Weingartner

Gen McRae

Cheryl Gates, Respiratory Technician

Darren Renaud

Carol Owens

Marilyn Weingartner

Heather McGuinty, Case Coordinator for the CCAC

Bev Charron

Oriana Webster, NBRHC Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lamb, Aids Committee

The Rheaume Rochefort Family

Jeff Johnson at Cambrian Technical Services

Past News


February 13, 2014

Barbara Gendron Retired after 14 years of service!

Rose Ransom and the Sturgeon Falls team reported that Barbara Gendron retired after 14 years of dedicated service to NNPCN.  We wish her well in all of her future endeavors.  She will still remain part of the family and has intentions of staying in touch with us.   At her last team meeting it was a pleasure to hear of all her adventures working in respite in West Nipissing.  Barbara your services, and contribution will be missed.

Left to Right: Barbara Gendron, André Cotterall, Rose Ransom

Left to Right: Barbara Gendron, André Cotterall, Rose Ransom


Near North Palliative Care Network wins Rebuilt Resources 3rd bi-annual Community Donation Challenge!

I would like all of the hard working volunteers who participated in the Rebuild Resources 3rd Bi-annual Community Donation Challenge to give yourselves a round of applause! Please make sure to thank all of your friends and neighbours that have also participated. This is an amazing accomplishment! We have won $5,000! I would like to give a special thanks to the following:

• John and Katherine Ship for sorting, bagging, and moving of the bags of clothes. It was a mountain of a job! We received over 390 bags of clothes!!!

• Ted Grasser for using his delivery truck on a few occasions to bring large shipments of clothes to the office

• Sturgeon Falls team!!!! –
o Marcel Rochon for his efforts in coordinating the clothe drive
o Patricia Rancourt for delivering clothes
o Lana Richardson for delivering clothes
o Marie Gonnella for delivering clothes
o Rachelle Beauparlant for delivering clothes
o Patrice and Pauline Dubé for delivering clothes
o Simone Taiffer from Filles d’Isabelle for donating over 300 bags of clothes!!!

This was very much a team accomplishment and shows me what we can do if we put our minds to it. I am so incredibly proud of how we came together.



NEW VIDEO! Butterfly Release 2013

Near North- from sdmoney lucas on Vimeo.




When Palliative Care global pioneer Dr. Larry Librach was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer he knew it was bad news.

After all, Librach was a doctor. And most patients with his advanced stage of cancer survive only a few months.

In facing death, Librach had a unique perspective: in the world of medicine he championed palliative care, ensuring those with little chance of survival, and their families, meet what he called “a good death.”

WATCH NOW! Dr. Larry Librach’s exclusive Legacy Interview to CTV W5:

THE FINAL WORD, parts one and two 

All rights belong to author, producers, and broadcasters.



Our AGM yesterday at the Royal Canadian League, North Bay ON, was a very special moment! We want to give a BIG THANK YOU to you, dear volunteers, clients, donors and friends of the NNPCN!

To Dr. Doris Howell our guest speaker; to our panelists, Heather McGuinty, Colleen Piekarsky, Carol Owens, Patricia Rancourt and Marilyn Weingartner; to the panel Moderator Dr. Susan Srigley; to Tracy Carr, our Program Assistant and to all of you who worked hard to make this event possible.

Our special gratitude to Tamela Price-Fry, Chair of the Board, who went to great lengths to organize this beautiful event; to André Cotterall, NNPCN Executive Director, for the great work he is doing in his first year of Administration; to the public, and to each of you who could be present at our AGM, or who has fingers crossed for us.!

The NNPCN is growing and thriving beautifully, due to the hard work and constant dedication of each one of you. Please know you are very special to us! All good things that happen in the NNPCN, happen because of you. THANK YOU!

We will soon be publishing photographs of the event to you!




Harriet Madigan is the organizer of the wonderful local group “LIVING FIT INSIDE-OUT,” consisting of women aged 50-90 years old.  The membership is approximately 200 people. The group held two sessions at the Calvin Church: October 7th on  October 22nd.

During their first session at the Calvin Church, the NNPCN presented our profile and services to LIVING FIT, as well as NNPCN event, “MUSIC CARE DAY: the health benefits of music for palliative care and dementia clients and their caregivers,” with guest speakers and live music, on October 26, 1 to 5PM at the Nipissing University Theatre.

On the second session at the Calvin Church, the theme was  “Bereavement: Getting Support through your Grief.”

Presenters were André Cotterall, NNPCN Executive Director; Tamela Price-Fry, Chair of the Board; Betty Dean, Fundraising and Awareness Board Director; and Monica Do Coutto Monni, Corporate, Program Development and Evaluation Board Director.

The Calvin Presbyterian Church is located at 401 First Ave W, North Bay, ON P1B 3C5 – (705) 474-4750.

For more information about the Group LIVING FIT INSIDE-OUT, visit their website:





Music Care Day

Click on image to magnify

Click on image to magnify

See Music Care Day poster in PDF: 2013 Music Care Day


“Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life, bringing peace, abolishing strife.”
(Khalil Gibran)






The Executive Director Blog


July 17th, 2013

Message to Friends and Community

It is very clear that we have a pool of dedicated and talented volunteers that believe in what they are doing. I have been at work at NNPCN for a year and I still have much to learn from all of you.  Our strength as a visiting hospice comes from our collective experiences, knowledge, accomplishments, diversity of backgrounds, and a culture of compassion and empathy for individuals with a terminal illness.  This compassion and empathy extends to the families and caregivers of those with a terminal illness.  I understand that at our core we value human dignity, compassion, and the provision of comfort and quality of life for those we serve.

We are entering into a period of significant change in how hospice palliative care is provided within our region.  I am currently representing our region and interests as a visiting program on the leadership team that will be making decisions on how to implement the new “shared care team” model.  I am encouraged by the attention that hospice palliative care is receiving and believe that this will provide a tangible and real opportunity for volunteers and the visiting hospice movement to have more prominence and influence on how hospice palliative care is delivered in our region.

I will be communicating more in the future – stay tuned!

Andre Cotterall, E.D.


NEW! Bereavement And Grief Committee Launched

In response to the needs of our growing numbers of clients, a new team of Bereavement and Grief Facilitators received their certification after the 8-week Bereavement and Grief Training headed by Marilyn Weingartner and co-trainer Margo Mallais.

This new development in the NNPCN was made possible through the extraordinary work of our main trainer Marilyn Weingartner, who devoted endless hours of hard work to write and publish the new NNPCN Bereavement and Grief Training Manual for new volunteers, and the Sessions Guide for clients.

Marilyn Weingartner, NNPCN Lead Trainer

Congratulations, our sincere deep gratitude and admiration, and bravo to our lead trainer Marilyn Weingartner and co-trainer Margo Mallais, for making this new decisive step happen. You actually wrote and are writing a very special chapter in the history of the NNPCN.

The new team rolled sleeves to offer the best free services of Bereavement and Grief in the North Bay Parry Sound Region on their first meeting after graduation, January 17, 2013.

Since the start of our activities in January, our newly-graduated volunteers Jocelyne Greenfield and Julie Charette have conducted the first annual 8-session Group Program. Congratulations and thank you, Jocelyne and Julie!

The new volunteers have also served a great number of clients who opted for individual sessions.

Congratulations, and thank you to our fabulous team of volunteers, for all your good work and many hours of generous devotion to our clients and cause: Jocelyne Greenfield, Julie Charette, Lana Richardson, Lise Boucher, Margo Mallais, Marilyn Halsall, Monica Monni, Norma Potvin, Patsy Stone, and Rita Sutherland.

Our Palliative Care Volunteers with previous training in Bereavement and Grief Dianne Armatage, Gen McCrae, Rose Joly, Sally King, and Storme Van Hassel have recently been contacted to join them as mentors, and the team now counts on almost 20 members in total, ready to support you in annual 8-session group or individual Bereavement and Grief Support Program.

Our special thank you to our Executive Director André Cotterall and our Program Coordinator Tracy Carr: without your solid support and hard work to back up the new team, this new initiative would not have been launched!

If you have lost a loved one and are interested in receiving our free services, give us a call.

For more information, visit our Bereavement and Grief website page.


Check out who are our awesome Volunteers, Donors and Staff.
We are there for you when you need it the most.
Our donors make it sure that we are there for you when you need us.

Please be there for us too:

For information about our volunteer opportunities, call us: (705) 497-9239 – 1-800-287-9441
You can also fill our online Volunteer Application Form.

Connect with us

Main Office:
St. Joseph Motherhouse
2025 Main Street West
North Bay, ON  P1B 2X6
Phone: (705) 497-9239
Fax: (705) 497-1039
08:30-16:30 Monday-Friday
(closed for lunch between 12:00-13:00)

Mattawa Office:
(705) 744-3771 Fax: (705) 744-2787
West Nipissing Office:
(705) 753-5771  |  Fax: (705) 753-6130