The Essence of Hospice Palliative Care.
All credits of this video go to Canadian Virtual Hospice
Palliative Care is an approach to care that focuses on comfort and quality of life for those affected by progressive, life threatening illness. The goal of palliative care is to control pain and other symptoms, support emotional, spiritual and cultural needs and maximize functioning.
Hospice refers in general to a care-giving facility that provides coordinated, multi-disciplinary care for people living with terminal illnesses and for their families and caregivers.
“Hospice care” is used interchangeably with “palliative care” to describe an approach to care or a community program providing services with such an approach.
Our Palliative Care Volunteers go to you. Whether you are in a hospital, long-term facility, hospice, or at home, we will be there. At home, we help you, your family and caregivers to organize coordinated support to you, through this multi-disciplinary approach to care.
For more information about our services, call us: (705) 497-9239 – 1-800-287-9441
You can also fill our online Client Application Form.
Population Projections
According to Statistics Canada, by 2036, there will be more end-of-life people in every age group in Ontario compared to 2011, and the aging of Ontario’s population will accelerate. Baby boomers will have swelled the ranks of seniors; children of the Baby Boom Echo generation will be of school-age; and the baby boom echo cohorts will be in what has been also classified as the ‘Sandwich Generation’ (Williams, C., 2005), juggling among parenting their own children and being the caretakers of their aging parents while still being full part of the work force.
The number of seniors aged 65 and over is projected to more than double from 1.9 million, or 14.2 per cent of population in 2011, to 4.2 million, or 23.6 per cent, by 2036. By 2017, for the first time, seniors will account for a larger share of population than children aged 0–14.
By the early 2030’s, once all baby boomers have reached age 65, the pace of increase in the number and share of seniors is projected to slow down significantly. The annual growth rate of the senior age group is projected to slow from an average of 3.6 per cent over 2011–31 to less than 1.8 per cent by the end of the projection period. However, this age group will still be growing much faster than the 0–14 and 15–64 age groups.
The older age groups will experience the fastest growth among seniors. The number of people aged 75 and over is projected to rise from 887,000 in 2011 to over 2.2 million by 2036. The 90+ group will more than triple in size, from 88,000 to 286,000.
In addition to the expected accelerated growth in death rates in senior population, our local regional statistics in the Northeast of Ontario indicate high levels of chronic diseases and conditions, such as arthritis, high blood pressure, and diabetes, compared to the estimates in the whole Province. The top causes of mortality in Northeast Ontario include diseases of the circulatory system, cancers and diseases of the respiratory system (2012 Seniors in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit Region: A Health Status Report).
In the Northeast LHIN Region, for every 100,000 seniors in the region, 4,000 seniors died in the period of 2005-2007, which means an average of 2,000 senior deaths/year, not counting other age ranges facing end-of-life (2012 Seniors in the North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit Region: A Health Status Report). Statistical accounts point at an increased demand for more home care, in areas such as nursing care, personal care, house work, meal preparation or delivery, as well as support to and training of caregivers and family members (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association Fact Sheet).
Each end-of-life client served by the NNPCN generates and average of 5 family members and/or caregivers positively impacted by our services during a maximum of 6 months services for the end-of-life patient; a maximum of 6 months support to caregivers and family members, throughout the terminal stage of their loved ones; plus 13 months of Bereavement follow-up program to the Bereaved family members/caregivers.
1.3 million people aged 80 or over in 2009 in Canada are projected to increase to 3.3 million by 2036 (Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association “Fact Sheet” – senior death rates will more than double in the next 2 decades. The incremental increase projections for our region are of an average of 5,000 deaths/year in the next two decades. Right now, the NNPCN serves an average of 200+ clients/year, in a region with an average of 2,000 senior deaths/year, as the only organization providing free services in the area.
At maximum capacity, we are serving only 6% of the whole senior population in need of services per year, not counting on end-of-life clients from other age ranges. To just leverage with the actual present needs of the regional population, we must grow 16.67% (16 to 17 fold) capacity. In the next 2 decades, to fully serve the regional population growing needs of 5,000 deaths/year, we would have to develop capacity to grow at least 41.67% (41 to 42 fold). The average of 200+ clients/year is served by an average of 50 active volunteers. The NNPCN must grow in capacity now, to be prepared to serve the dying population in Northeastern Ontario. We need: a) to get funding to hire at least three new paid staff; b) to hold at least 4 volunteer training sessions/year; and c) to double volunteer retention rates, in response to the pressure of these fast growing needs.
We receive $101,800 in guaranteed funding every year from the LHIN – all other revenue sources are variable. Given the variability, it is not possible to budget and fund any additional positions without further guaranteed funding. The two paid positions we have currently account for approximately $75,000-$80,000 of our fixed LHIN funding, leaving only around $20,000-$25,000 for all fixed costs (data processing, rent, internet, phone, mileage, etc.). We must invest a significant portion of our paid time in further fundraising and promotional efforts so as to raise the funds to cover the gap between fixed costs of running a visiting hospice and the amount we receive in fixed funding from the LHIN. This sets up a scenario where we never get ahead financially and the only way we can even upgrade our equipment is through grants or one-time donations.
Please donate now. For more information about how to Donate, call us: (705) 497-9239 – 1-800-287-9441
You can also:
- visit our Donate page
- fill our online Donation Form.