Near North Palliative Care Network

A Special Thanks to:


Caisse Populaire North Bay limitée

North Bay & Area Community Foundation

IBM Canada Ltd

North Bay Cruisers

Dr. Ken Runciman

United Way Toronto

Knights of Columbus 1007

Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc.

Northern Business Solutions

Mac's Office Supplies

Moose FM North Bay 106.5

Ohana Wellness Centre

Aha Communications

Boyd Print and Design

Chevaliers De Colomb #12101

Chevaliers De Colomb #8163

Hillside Funeral Homes

KFM North Bay

IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Chapter

Widdifield Lions Club

Bonfield and District Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

Widdifield Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

A&A Entertainment

Aggies Flowers

Bell Canada Employee Giving Program

BEAM Blue Sky Net

Sofa Communications

Saint Peter's Church

Chip Kean and 22 Wing Band

The McCubbin family

Richard Smith, NBRHC Pastoral Care Team, and Palliative Care Committee

Miranda Weingartner

Gen McRae

Cheryl Gates, Respiratory Technician

Darren Renaud

Carol Owens

Marilyn Weingartner

Heather McGuinty, Case Coordinator for the CCAC

Bev Charron

Oriana Webster, NBRHC Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lamb, Aids Committee

The Rheaume Rochefort Family

Jeff Johnson at Cambrian Technical Services

NNPCN In The News

Callander council hears ‘sobering statistics’ on Palliative CareJanuary 12,

Scott Gardiner of the Near North Palliative Care Network paid a visit to Callander’s municipal council during its last meeting. He presented some “sobering statistics” to council members and the public “about the value of care in the province of Ontario,” particularly the “the current and worsening crisis in palliative care.

Worsening crisis in Palliative Care in Ontario – Near North Palliative Care NetworkJanuary 12,

Scott Gardiner of the Near North Palliative Care Network paid a visit to Callander’s municipal council during its last meeting. He presented some “sobering statistics” to council members and the public “about the value of care in the province of Ontario,” particularly the “the current and worsening crisis in palliative care.

North Bay and Area school-aged children creating Christmas cards for seniors – November 29,

Hundreds of children aged four to 12 will put their creative talents to use and bring a smile to a senior’s face this Christmas. The Near North Palliative Care Network announced a new initiative Tuesday that consists of a partnership with area elementary schools and area long-term care facilities. Students aged 4-12 will create Christmas cards for residents of long-term care facilities.

Here’s to 35 years of Near North Palliative Care Network supportOctober 11,

Many volunteers have generously given of themselves over the years to make the Near North Palliative Care Network what it is today — by providing the residents of our region with services that are so badly needed and so greatly appreciated.

35th Anniversary Interview With KFM Radio – October 11, 2022

Our Hospice Coordinator, Scott Gardiner, talks with Dean Belanger of KFM Radio about our Annual General Meeting and 35th Anniversary celebration.

CTV Northern Ontario Grand Parade Interview – September 16, 2022

Our Hospice Coordinator, Scott Gardiner, chatted with CTV Northern Ontario’s Jessica Gosselin about the Grand Parade back in September.

CTV Northern Ontario Promotes The Grand Parade

CTV Northern Ontario ran a promo for the Grand Parade featuring Jamie McKee

Messages from loved ones sent on the wings of butterflies – July 9, 2022 –

Christine Lafrance held the Painted Lady butterfly in her hands, moved it close to her lips and whispered a few words to it before it flew into the sky. The mother was honouring and remembering her son Shayne who committed suicide at the age of 36 on July 12, 2019. Lafrance was joined by hundreds of people who paid tribute to their loved ones during the annual event. For the last 13 years the Near North Palliative Care Network has held an open-air event to celebrate the life and memory of loved ones. The COVID-19 pandemic forced organizers to perform the event virtually.

Senior safety, well-being key in new program funding – June 28, 2022 –

Five local organizations will receive $101,764 to support seniors-based programs in the North Bay area. Speaking Tuesday at Nipissing Serenity Hospice, Nipissing-Timiskaming MP Anthony Rota said the past two years have presented “unprecedented challenges” to everyone, but these were “especially trying times” for seniors. The New Horizons for Seniors Program funding will assist the Near North Palliative Care Network, Nipissing Serenity Hospice, Victim Services of Nipissing District, North Bay Pride and the Unicorn Feather Community.

Near North Palliative Care Network has seen a 10-fold increase in demand for servicesApril 20,

The Near North Palliative Care Network has seen a 10-fold increase in demand for services since the COVID-19 pandemic was declared in March 2020. Monica Do Coutto Monni, Executive Director for the Near North Palliative Care Network, said in 2020 the not-for-profit agency started to receive a “flood” of referrals from people asking for help.

Connect with us

Main Office:
St. Joseph Motherhouse
2025 Main Street West
North Bay, ON  P1B 2X6
Phone: (705) 497-9239
Fax: (705) 497-1039
08:30-16:30 Monday-Friday
(closed for lunch between 12:00-13:00)

Mattawa Office:
(705) 744-3771 Fax: (705) 744-2787
West Nipissing Office:
(705) 753-5771  |  Fax: (705) 753-6130