Near North Palliative Care Network

A Special Thanks to:


Caisse Populaire North Bay limitée

North Bay & Area Community Foundation

IBM Canada Ltd

North Bay Cruisers

Dr. Ken Runciman

United Way Toronto

Knights of Columbus 1007

Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc.

Northern Business Solutions

Mac's Office Supplies

Moose FM North Bay 106.5

Ohana Wellness Centre

Aha Communications

Boyd Print and Design

Chevaliers De Colomb #12101

Chevaliers De Colomb #8163

Hillside Funeral Homes

KFM North Bay

IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Chapter

Widdifield Lions Club

Bonfield and District Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

Widdifield Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

A&A Entertainment

Aggies Flowers

Bell Canada Employee Giving Program

BEAM Blue Sky Net

Sofa Communications

Saint Peter's Church

Chip Kean and 22 Wing Band

The McCubbin family

Richard Smith, NBRHC Pastoral Care Team, and Palliative Care Committee

Miranda Weingartner

Gen McRae

Cheryl Gates, Respiratory Technician

Darren Renaud

Carol Owens

Marilyn Weingartner

Heather McGuinty, Case Coordinator for the CCAC

Bev Charron

Oriana Webster, NBRHC Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lamb, Aids Committee

The Rheaume Rochefort Family

Jeff Johnson at Cambrian Technical Services

Our Partners

The Near North Palliative Care Network (NNPCN) delivers its mission thanks to funding from a variety of sources. This includes provincial funding, community sponsorships, and private donations. Our annual events and the sponsorships we fulfill provide a majority of non-provincial funding.

Examples of events available for sponsorship and funding include:

Sponsorship Benefits

  • Align with and support a non-profit organization whose work directly impacts your community and employees
  • Create direct visibility for your brand through our regular marketing and events
  • Illustrate that, as a part of your community, you care for the well being of community members and recognize the benefit of their health and comfort
  • Publicly display your corporate citizenship and values to all NNPCN associates and supporters

As a unique medium for brand and business marketing, sponsorship can include many benefits, such as:

  • Company logo on NNPCN website
  • Recognition during the Annual General Meeting
  • Recognition in regular newsletters and pamphlets
  • Press releases
  • Newspaper advertisement
  • PSAs
  • Logo on sponsored event posters
  • Company information inserted in national mail outs
  • Company logo on display at the PCIEF Winter Conference
  • Logo on volunteer and Butterfly Release T-Shirts

How Your Support Impacts the Community

Should you choose to sponsor a specific event, your supporting impact will vary depending on the event. Generally, support towards the Near North Palliative Care Network helps us to fulfill our mission:

  • That advocacy for Visiting Hospice and palliative care reaches a broader audience,
  • More Canadians are aware of Visiting Hospice services and are educated in palliative care,
  • Visiting Hospice services, including palliative care and bereavement services, are issued to a larger percentage of those in need of them; and
  • Ongoing NNPCN campaigns, such as those engaging with child grief and senior isolation, can continue.

To further discuss these events, create a custom sponsorship plan, or with any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or phone at 705-497-9239.

Our Sponsors

Partnering Tier ($50,000+)

Compassion Tier ($25,000 – $49,999)

Dignity Tier ($10,000 – $24,000)

Affinity Tier ($5,000 – $9,999)

Connect with us

Main Office:
St. Joseph Motherhouse
2025 Main Street West
North Bay, ON  P1B 2X6
Phone: (705) 497-9239
Fax: (705) 497-1039
08:30-16:30 Monday-Friday
(closed for lunch between 12:00-13:00)

Mattawa Office:
(705) 744-3771 Fax: (705) 744-2787
West Nipissing Office:
(705) 753-5771  |  Fax: (705) 753-6130