Near North Palliative Care Network

A Special Thanks to:


Caisse Populaire North Bay limitée

North Bay & Area Community Foundation

IBM Canada Ltd

North Bay Cruisers

Dr. Ken Runciman

United Way Toronto

Knights of Columbus 1007

Rebuilt Resources Skills Development Inc.

Northern Business Solutions

Mac's Office Supplies

Moose FM North Bay 106.5

Ohana Wellness Centre

Aha Communications

Boyd Print and Design

Chevaliers De Colomb #12101

Chevaliers De Colomb #8163

Hillside Funeral Homes

KFM North Bay

IODE Dr. Herbert A. Bruce Chapter

Widdifield Lions Club

Bonfield and District Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

Widdifield Lions Club

Northern Business Solutions

A&A Entertainment

Aggies Flowers

Bell Canada Employee Giving Program

BEAM Blue Sky Net

Sofa Communications

Saint Peter's Church

Chip Kean and 22 Wing Band

The McCubbin family

Richard Smith, NBRHC Pastoral Care Team, and Palliative Care Committee

Miranda Weingartner

Gen McRae

Cheryl Gates, Respiratory Technician

Darren Renaud

Carol Owens

Marilyn Weingartner

Heather McGuinty, Case Coordinator for the CCAC

Bev Charron

Oriana Webster, NBRHC Volunteer Coordinator

Steve Lamb, Aids Committee

The Rheaume Rochefort Family

Jeff Johnson at Cambrian Technical Services

NNPCN Strategic Growth Framework 2013-2018


Outline Of Strategic Growth Areas

Strategic Growth graph JPEG

Click on the graph to magnify

Partnerships And Alliances


NNPCN will have strong partnerships and alliances with representative businesses, corporations and services in the region and beyond that will increase our ability to:

  • Advocate for quality end of life care in the region;
  • Add value to our brand name and services;
  • And increase our capacity to deliver end of life services and products to meet the demands of the populations we serve.
  1. Organize and lead a service integration fair with local/regional partners and allies and conduct service integration assessment exercise
  2. Develop an alliance/partner screening and assessment process (i.e. match in values, reputation, goals, etc.)
  3. Implement a year-round calendar of visits to regional businesses and services to consolidate and strengthen partnerships and alliances in exchange of services and products
  4. NNPCN will provide free training courses and support services to funders on: end-of-life preparation, palliative caregiver support, anticipatory grief, and bereavement support
  5. Develop signed partnership and/or alliance agreements with community agencies, local government sector, and the private sector regarding:
    • Complicated grief/High risk clients
    • Sharing of information
    • Access within facilities (LTCs, Hospitals, etc.)
    • Build synergy of services between the NNPCN and the regional hospital, CCAC, community health services, and higher-education institutions
    • Develop educational products in partnership with educational institutions
    • Develop synergy of services with faith-based and community social service groups
    • Create local jobs within the NNPCN for recently-graduated professionals, and field work for undergraduate students, in partnership with educational institutions
  6. NNPCN will provide free daily marketing and visibility to funders and allied companies via free daily publicity, presence and news on NNPCN website and social media logistics.

Fund Development

NNPCN will increase its capacity to deliver end of life services and products to meet the demands of the population we serve through increased sources of revenue that are:

  • Low in time and resource intensity and high in return;
  • And focus on the development of long-term relationships with donors and sponsors
  1. Grants/Proposals
    • Purchase of grant searching software – targeted searches
    • Develop business plan with finance committee
    • Increase Application Process
    • Develop Mixed volunteer/temporary professional model proposal
    • Develop Interim Nipissing University training proposal with NE LHIN
  2. Events
    • Butterfly Release – signature event to promote our services. Also a place for clients to heal
    • Music Night(s)
    • Flower Sales
    • Hike for Hospice – This was an NNPCN event and will be given back to the larger palliative community as an awareness raising event
  3. Community Long-term giving
    • Rewards
    • Solicitation Package
    • Appeal Campaign
    • Pledging
  4. Increased Sponsorships/ Alliances
    • Develop corporate alliance and solicitation package
    • Schedule year-round corporate presentations: new and established alliances
    • Corporate Products and Services: program of rewards to sponsors and alliances (free services plus marketing and visibility through on NNPCN communication channels, educational, palliative care and bereavement support to allied organizations’ staff)

Community Engagement

NNPCN will work within the “shared care team” model to increase the general population’s awareness, acceptance, and need for the palliative care philosophy and services within the community.

  1. Community Art Projects
    • “Need of the Dying” Campaign with Nipissing University
    • Photo voice project
    • Publication of stories of volunteers and client testimonials
    • Alliance with ArtsHealth North
  2. Media and online presence
    • Online applications
    • Website redesign – client, donor and volunteer centered
    • Sponsor and donor recognition program (i.e. recognition of sponsors and donors in print and online media)

Governance, Quality Improvement, and Evaluation

The Board and Executive staff of NNPCN will work towards identifying and implementing structures and processes to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and strategic growth.

The Board and Executive staff of NNPCN will work towards achieving governance, administrative, and service standards that meet provincial and national legislative requirements and accreditation standards.

  • Increase Board Membership and Diversity
  • Establish Board of Governance Priorities
  • Ensure strategic/operational  plan in place
  • Have a Review process in place for:
    1. Mission/Vision (i.e. result of palliative transformation)
    2. By-laws
    3. Policies and procedures
    4. Insurance coverage
    5. Assess Accreditation Readiness Annually
  • Revise Policies and Procedures as it relates to:
    • Financial accountability
    • Fundraising
    • Staff management
    • Volunteer Involvement
    • Service Delivery
  • Revise By-Laws to meet ONCA legislative requirements
  • Develop planning and budget cycle
  • Develop Quality and Evaluation framework (Plan, Do, Study, Act)
    1. Client satisfaction
    2. Needs assessment for loan/lending programs
    3. Expansion considerations:
      • Therapeutic (i.e. Music, etc.)
      • Drop-in
      • Anticipatory grief
      • Advanced Care Planning
  • Review Respite program model of delivery based on care setting (i.e. Hospital, LTC, and Retirement Home)
  • Develop and implement a de-centralized 3 bedroom residential/visiting hospice and bereavement pilot program
    • Attain NE LHIN support
    • Conduct research and development of a business plan
    • Receive NE LHIN approval of business plan
    • Implement pilot project
  • Develop mixed volunteer/professional model
    • Engineer Risk Management in volunteer services flowchart
    • One pair of caretakers/co-facilitators per client: one hired entry-level part-time graduate professional paired up with one undergraduate volunteer in training
    • Remotely monitored settings for individual sessions

Training and Education

NNPCN will ensure that volunteers receive training and education to support them in their work with our clients.

NNPCN will ensure that training and education is consistent, standardized, comprehensive, evidence-based, and integrated in into the “shared-care team.”

  1. Build alliances with educational institutions and NE LHIN
  2. Education and Training that incorporates:
    • Initial Palliative Orientation curriculum
    • Refresher program for volunteers (i.e. Access to online materials)
    • Ongoing Training Development program (i.e. Access to new and evidence-based training)


NNPCN will foster an environment that values, promotes, supports, and prepares volunteers for their work within palliative care.

NNPCN will maintain and develop programs and services that are safe, confidential, competent, and driven by the needs of the individuals with a life limiting illness their informal caregivers and family

  1. Internal Communication – Clear, specific, regular, and two-way
    • Online applications
    • Newsletter
    • Team meetings
    • Team lead meetings (See satellite office strategy)
    • Website
    • E.D. blog
  2. Support/Retention – Individual and group support
    • Debriefing
    • Team meetings
    • Mentoring
    • Appreciation program (i.e. Rewards, annual dinner, etc.)
    • Social and cultural building events
    • Work performance framework
  3. Recruitment/Utilization
    • Develop position-specific job descriptions
    • Develop project based assignments
    • Develop targeted recruitment campaigns
    • Satellite Lead roles
  4. Client and Volunteer Matching
    • Develop tracking process for skills and interests of volunteers
    • Develop client satisfaction evaluation
  5. Screening and Assessment of New Volunteers
    • Develop framework based on national standards from Volunteer Canada
  6. Ensure appropriate policies and procedures are in place

Connect with us

Main Office:
St. Joseph Motherhouse
2025 Main Street West
North Bay, ON  P1B 2X6
Phone: (705) 497-9239
Fax: (705) 497-1039
08:30-16:30 Monday-Friday
(closed for lunch between 12:00-13:00)

Mattawa Office:
(705) 744-3771 Fax: (705) 744-2787
West Nipissing Office:
(705) 753-5771  |  Fax: (705) 753-6130